A couple months ago, I was looking at my blog for areas to update. I concluded that my 'About' page was a little...blah. Sure, a picture can say 1,000 words and a short blurb about myself provided another dimension, but it wasn't enough. I wanted to do something different and creative that would really represent myself.
During that time, I came across an amazing music video that my friend, Jessica Linehan, owner of Bobbi J, was featured in. Coincidentally, our friend, Alisia Perez, actually directed, cut and edited the video herself. After the video had ended, I knew that I wanted to create a 'mini bio' for my 'About' page and I wanted Alisia to direct it.
So here it is! Click 'Play' and enjoy.
Xio I love this!! Since I'm on vacay, I've decided to catch up on my blogs (hence my late post):)