Monday, December 31, 2012

Monday Motivation: New Year's Resolutions

Oh-Em-Gee! 2013 is just around the corner, so you know what that means...New Year's Resolutions! The beginning of a new year always gets everyone pumped up and ready to take on our goals and dreams in full force.

There are a few of my goals that didn't even get touched in 2012, so I need to figure out how to fix what I didn't do to make my goal achievable and attainable this year in 2013. My issue comes down to consistency. I always start out hard in January, semi-consistent in March and then the dumbbells start to collect around May.

So what am I going to do for 2013? Make a plan! It's one thing to make a list of things to accomplish, but how are you going to get from A to B? Your ass needs a plan! So make that list and draft a reasonable, logical plan to go along with it. You won't achieve your goals without one. Like Nike says, "Just do it!"

Make 2013 your best year ever!

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